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Body contouring has been around for decades. Both surgical and nonsurgical options have been available with varying degrees of effectiveness. Through trial and error, Dallin has found truSculpt® has the most consistent delivery of results across the board. Over the years, the base technology of radiofrequency has been used to rebuild collagen and tighten skin. Through this process, it's been discovered that fat cells will also begin to shrink and with enough time at the elevated temperatures, up to 24% of treated fat cells will permanently die and be removed through the lymphatic system.

What it treats

chin treatment area

Chin + Jawline

thigh treatment area

Back + Glutes

stomach treatment area

Stomach + Love Handles

legs and arms treatment area

Knees, Thighs + Arms


How it works

Using truly innovative, first-of-its-kind monopolar radio frequency technology, truSculpt® destroys fat cells evenly in the area and the heat of the monopolar radio frequency technology enhances collagen growth in the treated area so not only will truSculpt help you drop inches, but it also provides the added benefits of skin tightening and cellulite reduction uncomparable to any other treatment.


Unlike other treatments for body contouring in Vancouver like Coolsculpting, truSculpt® takes advantage of a glide rather than a suction-type handpiece which gives a far more even contouring and is much safer with fewer risks of negative side effects. truSculpt® is safe and effective to use on all areas of the body. The procedure requires less time than Coolsculpting and doesn't involve painful massaging afterward.


TruSculpt® allows for an ultra-comfortable and convenient experience. Because the treatment is virtually pain-free, you don’t have to worry about setting aside time for recovery. Most recipients of truSculpt® describe the sensation as similar to receiving a hot stone massage with mild intensity near the end of the treatment.


There are virtually no adverse effects of truSculpt® , which means you can try the treatment risk-free. Results are noticeable beginning just 2 weeks after treatment with full results 12 weeks after the initial treatment.

Financing available. Click below or inquire within.

Medicard Patient Financing
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