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One of the latest crazes to enter the industry in the last few years is muscle sculpting and toning. The unique muscle confusion pattern of energy that is delivered ensures the stressing and repair of the entire targeted muscle group. You'll notice a top-to-bottom contraction unlike anything you'll be able to replicate in the gym. Bodybuilders and seasoned gym goers can all agree that truFlex™ will take your core to the next level. Not to mention the additional muscle groups we are able to treat in one session.

What it treats


Biceps + Triceps


Abdomen + Obliques


Quads + Hamstrings




How it works

truFlex™ is quickly becoming our clients' favourite service with its Multi-Directional Stimulation (MDS) which provides several variations of muscle stimulation to sculpt, tone, and build the muscles unlike any movement you can perform at the gym. Dallin's love for the gym and building muscle has taken him from an amateur gym goer in high school, to a crossfitter, bodybuilder, powerlifter, and lifestyle fitness advocate. This treatment is noticeably thorough in the contraction of the targeted muscle. The series of muscular confusion stimulation takes the muscles safely beyond what you would do at the gym on your own. After the age of 30, your muscle mass decreases 3%-8% each decade leaving your bones more brittle and muscles more prone to injury. This treatment isn't only for experienced lifters but any person needing to build strength or target a muscle group for both aesthetic and healthy overall body composition.


This treatment will take your muscles through a series of multi-directional stimulation that will target your muscles like nothing before. The customizable placement ensures the full muscle is being contracted and even coverage is maximized. With each treatment, you will notice an increase in the intensity as your muscles rebuild and repair to withstand the conditioning very similar to an intense workout. Like any fitness and muscle-building routine, consistency is key. The best practice is to undergo a series of four treatments within two weeks, followed by our monthly membership for maintenance or continued muscle growth. Ongoing maintenance is affordably priced to maintain your results for years to come.

Financing available. Click below or inquire within.

Medicard Patient Financing
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